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Published Monthly since 2010

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• Notes — When you've only got a few words to say. Please refrain from bursting into song, as only one of us can read musical notation around here.  

• Comments — Oh, do be kind. We love to publish the nice comments!

• Questions — So many questions, so few answers...unless you're the Catholic Church...and then you've got ALL the best answers!

• Back Issues — We do keep a limited number of every issue will make them available at $5.00 per copy. This will also cover postage. Just let us know what issue you need, and we'll see if it is still available.

• Letters to the Editor — Refer to the "Comments" paragraph. Although we prefer kind and polite letters, we may publish those who disagree with us, so keep that in mind. 250 word maximum, must be signed. 

• Article Submissions — We accept submitted articles, provided they are in keeping with Church Teaching and are not written with a tone of attack toward non-Catholics or the Church. If Oremus Press decides to publish said article, the writer will be notified, and will receive 10 FREE copies of the issue containing the article. When submitting, make sure we have all your contact information. 

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